Please contact the providers directly as we do not administer the services listed below. Their contact information can be viewed by selecting Read More. Filters by category are available on the side menu for your convenience.
Cheshire Homes of Saskatoon is a non-profit charitable organization that provides an accessible comfortable home...
Elmwood Residence in Saskatoon provides long term care for both physically and intellectually disabled persons.
The National Affordable Housing Corporation helps individuals, couples and families find affordable housing answers. As a non-profit based in Saskatoon, we provide new rentals that are family-friendly and built to a high quality. We also offer new affordable and supportive independent living rental options in convenient, safe and desirable locations.
Parkridge Centre provides special care for people ranging from age 6 to 95 years of age. Since their opening in 1987...
The Rainbow Housing Cooperative is comprised of 87-units ranging from one-bedroom garden apartments...
The Saskatoon Housing Authority (SHA) provides safe, quality housing at an affordable rent to low-to-moderate income seniors...
We respectfully acknowledge that we are on Treaty 6 territory, the traditional lands of many diverse First Nations including the Cree, Dene, Nakota, Saulteaux and Dakota and the homeland of the Métis.
Unit 15 - 2220
Northridge Drive
SK S7L 6X8
General office line:
(306) 979-6706
Email Us:
Monday – Friday:
8:30AM – 4:30PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed