Quint’s Pleasant Hill Place (PHP) is a home for women who have children that have been placed in care with the Ministry of Social Services, or for women who may be at risk of having their children placed in such care. This includes women who are homeless or are on the verge of becoming homeless and are in need of a variety of supports to help them move towards independent living, positive parenting, and self-reliance.
Pleasant Hill Place is staffed 24 hours a day with qualified women who will offer or connect residents with programming in areas of healthy lifestyles and relationship building, positive parenting, life skill building, addictions, education assessment and career counseling and recreation. During their stay, staff will assist residents in developing personal case plans that are tailored to meet goals using a holistic approach, and develop a plan for once the resident leaves PHP.
To be eligible, your Family Service worker refers you to the Coming Home program.
Phone: (306) 987-4041 ext. 228