Homelessness Count. Warm Up locations. Call for Proposals. Check out News & Events!

Community Services

Do you need access to additional resources? 

Please see below for information and supports available within Saskatoon.

  • Designated Access Points / Coordinated Access
  • Addictions
  • Clothing and Supplies
  • Emergency Food Programs
  • Financial Support
  • Legal
  • Mobile Services

For other services in Saskatoon and in other areas see Helpseekers. If you believe an additional listing would help our visitors that is not listed below, please reach out to us to add it.  Contact info@shipyxe.ca.

You don’t need to face challenges by yourself.

Designated Access Points (DAPs) provide Coordinated Access which is designed to standardize the intake and assessment process for individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness. With this coordinated effort, agencies share information in real time and adopt uniform prioritization policies and referral processes.

Through a person-centered approach, Coordinated Access Saskatoon connects individuals and families to the right housing and other support services as efficiently as possible, based on their preference, level of need, and housing availability.  

Ma Faamii – 113-123 Avenue B South Mon – Thurs 9:30 am -3:30 pm

Station 20 West – 1120 20th St West Mon – Fri 9:30 am -3:30 pm

PLWA – 127C Ave D North – Tues – Fri 9am -12 pm

Francis Morrison Library – 311 23rd St East Tues 10-1 (contact MN-S to confirm timings)

Salvation Army – 339 Ave C South Tues 1pm – 4pm

Westside Clinic  Thurs 1pm – 4pm

Each agency determines its DAP service days and hours so times are subject to change.  For a listing of current locations visit MN-S  or call 639-471-9104.


CWL Clothing Depot
619 20th Street West
TUE-FRI 12:30-3:00pm, SAT 9:30am-12:30pm


Saskatoon Food Bank & Clothing Depot
223 Avenue B South
MON-THU 9:00-11:45am, 12:30-3:00pm, FRI 9:00-11:45am
$2 a bag


Emergency Infant Formula & Baby Food
Free from:
Saskatoon Food Bank
The Friendship Inn

The Bridge on 20th
1008 20th Street West
Serving hours:
MON 8:30-11:30am and 12:00-2:00pm
TUE-FRI 8:15-11:30am and 12:00-2:00pm

315 Avenue M South
Free snacks and drinks (MON-FRI)
Emergency food packages – available upon request

People Living with AIDS Network – Saskatoon
127 Avenue C North
Emergency food hampers available to persons with HIV
Small lunch:
10:30am – 2:30pm (MON – THU)
10:30am – 12:00pm (FRI)

The Friendship Inn
619 20th Street West
Free breakfast: 8:00-9:30am
Free lunch: 11:45am-1:30pm

485 1st Avenue North
Street outreach van – sandwiches
Supper and snacks (MON-SAT)
*Youth ages 12-19 years old only*

Prairie Harm Reduction
1516 20th Street West
Free light lunch MON-FRI 12:00pm

Salvation Army
339 Avenue C South
Coffeehouse, free food:
FRI & SUN at 7:00-8:30pm
TUE-THU at 1:30-3:00pm

Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre
202 Avenue C South
Emergency food baskets available
Must have ID

Westside Community Centre
3488 Fairlight Drive
Call for lunch and food hamper info

Saskatoon Native Circle Ministries
450 20th Street West
Free sandwiches and cookies:
MON – FRI from 2:45-3:45pm
WED 3:00-3:30pm
Free hot meal: FRI at 2:45pm

White Buffalo Youth Lodge
602 20th Street West
Free snacks during the day (YOUTH ONLY)


The Saskatchewan Housing Benefit is a monthly benefit that helps eligible Saskatchewan renters with their shelter costs (rent and utilities). The Saskatchewan Housing Benefit is co-funded by the Government of Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan under the National Housing Strategy.  The Government of Saskatchewan also provides other financial help and programs.

Jordan’s Principle makes sure all First Nations children living in Canada can access the products, services and supports they need, when they need them. Funding can help with a wide range of health, social and educational needs, including the unique needs that First Nations Two-Spirit and LGBTQQIA children and youth and those with disabilities may have. Saskatoon Tribal Council’s Jordan’s Principle Office takes applications.

LaRocque Enterprises Inc.  are dedicated to providing support by offering deposits and first months rent for those who are homeless or at risk.



Looking for housing options?  Please check our main menu for Housing and filter for options that could assist you.


Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan

Provides legal support and drop-in events to reintegration and long term advocacy for women and gender-diverse individuals.


Provides free legal programming, services, and supports for people who experience poverty and injustice.

John Howard Society of Saskatchewan (JHSS)

Provides effective, just, and humane services in response to the causes and consequences of crime, and assists individuals who are at risk or are involved in the criminal justice process.