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Community Homelessness Report

Saskatoon Homelessness Report (2023-2024)

The Community Homelessness Report (CHR) is an annual Reaching Home reporting deliverable that supports communities to prevent and reduce homelessness using a more coordinated, systems-based and data-driven response. The CHR was designed to support local discussions and decision making, using all of the information about homelessness currently available at the community level. Communities are encouraged to use their CHR data to develop clear plans of action that help them to reach their homelessness reduction targets and to leverage the collective efforts of service providers working across the community, regardless of how they are funded.

Saskatoon Homelessness Report (2022-2023)

Highlight any efforts and/or issues related to the work that your community has done to prevent and/or reduce homelessness and increase access to safe, adequate housing over the last year.

Saskatoon Homelessness Report (2021-2022)

Within the contractual agreements with Designated Community Funded organizations. The DC organizations are required to join HIFIS and Coordinated Access. While the Indigenous Housing funded organizations are not required; it is highly recomended that they participate in HIFIS and Coordinated Access. With these requirements in place, we have been able to bring together community organizations towards a singular project.

Saskatoon Homelessness Report (2019-2021)

Are there particular efforts and/or issues that you would like to highlight for this reporting period related to your community’s work to achieve the Reaching Home minimum requirements? In particular, please describe your community’s efforts to set-up or improve the Coordinated Access governance structure, including processes to ensure that policies and protocols, as approved by the governance group(s), are being implemented across the system as intended to achieve desired results.